Monday, March 17

Gay Wines Are Here to Stay

It’s a fact, whether you like it or not, gay wines are here to stay. It all began as some sort of silly game: why would anyone need to drink a gay wine? What would be the special features that would make a wine “gay friendly”? Well, I don’t have the answers, as I can’t predict that in some near future we’ll have to choose between French fries and “gay French fries”, or “gay sodas”, etc (”gay etc”), the fact is that gay wines are a reality.
Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not opposed to it, it’s just the idea of becoming into some sort of sect, with special wines, etc, what’s really troubling me. But, what the heck, let’s continue with this post....

Pilot Gay Wines
Pilot is the first line of gay wines created in Argentina. Although there are older gay wines in other countries, this is the first entire line of wines. At the moment they offer the following wine “varietals”:
Pilot Chardonnay
Pilot Malbec
Pilot Syrah
Pilot Cabernet Sauvignon
Pilot Champagne
The bottles are very well presented, with some fancy leather labels and interesting colors. If you want production notes, I haven’t tasted them yet, but I’ve heard that in an overall, we are talking of a fresh collection of wines, specially designed for summer times.

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